Portobello ladies footballers have gathered an amazing team from the four corners of Ireland and with them each member has brought the best from their local clubs and added it to our team in Portobello. We have players from Cork, Kerry, Wexford, Longford, Laois, Westmeath, Sligo, Monaghan, Tyrone, Antrim, and many more as well as some from the US, Spain, Brazil and Poland. All of our members love the social aspect of the team as well as the enthusiasm and drive we have to win on the field.
Why join our team?
We work hard to make our way up the tables each year but we also have a great time while we're doing it. We plan nights out, days away, trips abroad, the works!
The majority of our team have gotten back into GAA after moving to Dublin from their home counties. It's very easy to settle yourself into Portobello and once you've joined you'll look forward to coming back to a new season and a new group of players year after year.
Preseason starts at the beginning of February with training Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Preseason is a mixture of indoor and outdoor sessions focusing on fitness and ballwork.
When the season begins after Easter trainings are Monday nights from 6.45 to 8.30pm on our pitch in Leinster Road, Rathmines. Sessions are a mix of strength, fitness and ball work getting you up to speed pretty quickly as a newcomer.
We play in Dublin Junior B in championship and division 4 in the cup and league. The season runs from May to September with our matches take place most Wednesday nights during that time.

For information about joining our ladies team please contact Ciara on 087-6149602 or email portobellogaa@gmail.com.